Like most images of this deity,here too he is seen with Lakshmigoddess lakshmi seated on his left thigh.

Enshrined in the main sanctum is the small but very powerful image of sri lakshmi narasimha perumal. Worshippers enter the temple through a spacious mandapa with the dhvajasthabam, in front of which, directly facing the main shrine, is a tiny image of sri vainateya or garuda with palms together(anjali hasta). The entrance to this medium-sized temple, as well as the main shrine, faces east. The entire area was known as brindaranya kshetra as there was a large tulasi garden here. the street leading to the temple has been known, from the Ancient historyancient times, as iyengar street, revealing that people of the srivaishnava community had settled here long bac. the second samprokshanam was performed in 1994 when the flag staff(dhvajasthambam) was installed and the third samprokshanam was held in November 2007.

Luckily, enthusiastic devotees arranged for the renovation of this temple and the consecration (samprokshanam) was performed in 1983. Whatever be the exact antiquity of this temple, the fact remains that for a long time it remained neglected with many parts of the shrine in a dilapidated condition. However, the pillars of the temple, especially those in the mandapa, point to this being a creation of the chola times, subsequent to the pallava era. According to the sources connected with the history of this temple, it was originally constructed during the time of the pallava ruler, narasimhavarman II in the 8th century.